…I have just enough time for question left by a young Yullenroy who was recently celebrating their first shedding! Greetings, little one, whose name is Garathan, and whose spines are a lovely shade of turpeth. You’ll be an expert shedder by the time my reply gets back to you, but as you know, our main voyage fuel is Curiosity, and every question from you stimulates the Interest Circuits and gives sustenance to Neon Flash, which helps us to keep exploring. Garathan wanted to know what fills the time on these voyages, so they know what to pack when they’re old enough to set out! Well! My future companion, there is plenty of information on what training is useful for a voyager, but not much about our float time. Of course, much of the time is used for upkeep and livetasks [*pronunciation note ‘live’ as in ‘I live here’*]. Organic redistribution for growth is one of my favorite regular livetasks, my small garden has a large but shielded window. [start to fade] This verser has brought in a cozy seat from the living chambers and spends much time dallying with plant life, watching the universe…
Meh Curator’s Note:
Continuance Echoes Exhibit 43087. This fragment is cross-indexed for those interested in energy and propulsion. It makes reference to a force of curiosity that seems to be fueling the ships. Our researchers confirm this force is similar to the equations of curiosity we observed in Galactic Dimension number 74, or GD74.
The main contrast with GD74 is that here, the ships themselves have a role in the equation. The materials that make up the ships’ bodies and processors – the thrusters, sensors, nav controls, and chassis – all seem to be threaded by a material of unusual properties.
By the way, we have opened a new exhibit on the spiral towns of Galactic Dimension 74, if you are interested in exploring curiosity-based systems further…